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Funding for the Arts under ESSA Title IV-A

Updated: Jan 2, 2019

Title IV, Part A is a federal funding source available to all New Hampshire public school districts and public charter schools. The federal budget assures funding for the Title IV-A program through 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.There are three main areas of focus under Title IV, part A:

  • Well-rounded educational opportunities

  • Social and emotional supports

  • Effective technology use and integration

Among the key values set forth in the New Hampshire ESSA Consolidated State Plan is improving our education system through personalization and competency-based teaching and learning. The New Hampshire Title IV, part A program is designed to support this vision within a framework of preparing students for the future.

Administrators and educators can propose Arts programs or activities that supplement school efforts in each of the three areas listed above.

For more information, go to the NH DOE Title IV, part A webpage or contact:

Contact your district’s federal grants program manager to discover if specific needs for your Arts program can be incorporated into the district Title IV, part A application. Districts must identify grant activities based on a local needs assessment. For more information see the NH DOE Title IV, part A webpage and the arts resources on the Well-Rounded Education opportunity page. If you don’t know who your grants manager is, contact:

Marcia McCaffrey, Education Consultant for the Arts & Physical Education, NH Department of Education

Title IV-A Liaison for Southwest Region and Charter Schools



The following programs were funded in New Hampshire through the one-time 2017-2018 competitive grant process:

  • Experimental Photography & Chemistry: A new year long course that utilizes choice based learning, design thinking, technology integration, and argument driven inquiry. Students use technology to investigate and communicate their understanding of the visible an invisible world around them. Students engineer unique solutions that form meaningful and thought provoking photographic compositions bridging the gap between art and science. Double period, co-taught by photography and chemistry teachers. Purchase of darkroom equipment, enlargers, and stipends for guest speakers in astro-photography were included in the grant.

  • Full STEAM ahead! The need for our students to have more equitable exposure to engaging STEAM materials and instruction is increasing. We have created a buzz in the district with the introduction of innovation labs and STEAM nights, but our goal is to give ALL students opportunities to experience STEAM in action and to provide staff with necessary training to facilitate these opportunities. This project will make our labs and resources more mobile and accessible, add necessary technology to better personalize experiences and revolutionize instruction through differentiated science and STEAM training!

  • The development of a youth-led, digital radio station that would integrate with the academic curriculum, build opportunities for effective use of technology, and support developmental assets such as positive identity, social competency, and empowerment that are crucial for healthy youth development and support a positive prevention framework. This youth-directed activity would provide enrichment to the school and community by giving youth a voice and an opportunity to create original content that is meaningful, positive, and connected to the goal of supporting safe and healthy learning opportunities within the context of 21st century skill building.

  • In addition to these programs, 3 other grants were funded for expanded makerspaces, which present the future opportunity for the Arts to be included.


Grantmakers in the Arts analyzed the ESSA plans by all 50 states and provided this analysis of arts opportunities in NH:

"What Is In the States ESSA Plan: Under the Title I, Part A portion of its State plan, the New Hampshire Department of Education (NH DOE) recognizes that the arts play a part in “creating and sustaining positive school conditions,” and further states that it recognizes the effectiveness of incorporating the arts in intervention programs for students with behavioral issues. NHDOE articulates that it will use Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) state activities funds to develop resources that schools can use to support arts-based learning strategies, among other activities. NHDOE also explicitly states that arts and music programs are eligible for 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program funds. Actions You Can Take: These plan components provide an opportunity to shape how your State, school districts and schools implement them. You can engage your local education agency (LEA) and its leaders and remind them that Federal programs like Title I, as well as 21st CCLC and SSAE can support arts education activities. You may also want to discuss with them how you can be a partner in helping them provide a well-rounded education for students in your community. If you are part of an after-school arts program or would like to start one, you may want to apply for a 21st CCLC, especially if you are serving a community that would otherwise not have access to such a program. You may also want to contact the NH DOE to help facilitate and develop arts-integration programs."


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